The Financial Stability Board (FSB) published detailed reporting guidelines on SFTs for authorities, in accordance with the 2015 Securities Financing Data Standard. The guidelines include the scope and frequency of the FSB’s data collection, as well as reporting deadlines, data templates for regional/national authorities and classification codes.
This document defines the reporting guidelines for implementing the November 2015 FSB Global Securities Financing Data Standards. It starts with an overview of the reporting guidelines where measures (as main information being collected) and characteristics (used in classification of measures) are briefly defined.
The next section describes the reporting guidelines in details. Dimensions that characterise the measures are defined here. Each dimension is briefly described and linked to data elements defined in the November 2015 Global Securities Financing Data Standards. The Standards provide a table for each data element with a code-list that should be used in reporting, and also set out the rules that should be met for successful validation of the reported data.
The last section defines the procedures that are used in validation of the reported data. There are four annexes. Annex 1 defines the reporting template, Annex 2 shows which set of tables should be reported by each national/regional authority and will be finalised once it is clarified which national/regional authority provides the data for each jurisdiction. Annex 3 illustrates the coverage of securities financing transactions (SFTs) that should be included in SFT reporting and finally, Annex 4 illustrates how example of transactions from the November 2015 Global Securities Financing Data Standards should be reported following these guidelines.