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Floating Rebate Rate Reset Frequency - Multiplier

Floating Rebate Rate Reset Frequency - Multiplier

Field 2.65 | Matching Date: 2023-01-01 | Tolerance: None | Agent Lender Data Provision: No>

Status: Best Practice Finalised, Last Updated: 26/04/2021

Field 2.65 | Matching Date: 2023-01-01 | Tolerance: None | Agent Lender Data Provision: No

Multiplier of the time period describing frequency of the floating rebate rate resets.

Best Practice:
If Field 2.59 (Floating Rebate Rate) is populated, an integer based on Field 2.64 (Floating Rebate Rate Reset Frequency - Time Period) should be provided, else the field should be left blank.

Fields 2.60 - Field 2.65 are only populated upon field 2.59 (Floating Rebate Rate) being populated.

For an example of a floating rebate rate reset frequency multiplier on a trade, see the following:

Field 2.64 = DAYS
Field 2.65 = 1

Field 2.64 = WEEK
Field 2.65 = 7

Field 2.64 = MONTH
Field 2.65 = 1

Field 2.64 = YEAR
Field 2.65 = 1

Given the fact that reporting firms could express a year as DAYS / 365 etc., there is a risk that these fields may not match so it is incumbent on reporting parties to align. (SFTR-85)


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