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Maturity Date Trades

Maturity Date Trades


Status: Best Practice Finalised, Last Updated: 15/02/2024

Maturity Date Trades:

1. Note: This is different to point b) above, as point b) above relates to an OPEN trade when applying the first Maturity Date. This point here is where the trade already has one maturity date and you are trying to apply / modify another new maturity date to the same trade.
2. Historic MODIs should be submitted with a historic event dates however to hit the latest TSR you need to ensure the ED- Event Date is one day prior to the RD - Reporting Date. If ED - Event Date is +1 day greater than the RD - Reporting Date your report will NACK.
3. This means that any extension during the outage downtime of the maturity date of callable loans, dynamic end-date evergreens and extendibles can never be reported as they will automatically die off on the reported initial maturity date.
4. This will be the big challenge - if a maturity date has been hit it cannot be revived.
5. Historical event dates on MODI/CORR will be ACK’d as long as the modification is not on a maturity date.
6. Any historical MODIs/CORRs to update maturity date would not be ACKNOWLEDGED; the T+1 event date logic is required here hence ED has to be +1 day prior to RD.

Best Practice:


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