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Reconciliation Points

Reconciliation Points


Status: Best Practice Finalised, Last Updated: 15/02/2024

Reconciliation Points:

1. Reconciliation is based on positions and not transactions (hence on the TSR - trade state report and not the TAR - trade activity report).
2. All eligible for reconciliation submissions are paired first.
3. Positions that were open and naturally matured or terminated during the outage will appear in latest reconciliation up until 30 days but not on the TSR.
4. Currently in BAU, post maturity or termination of an outstanding position, the respective position drops off TSR, but remains in the reconciliation report 30 days from the day of maturity OR termination. So provided that both parties submit their respective historical alleges at the same time, the respective positions will drop off TSR and if they fall in the 30-day reconciliation post maturity/termination interval the two alleged positions will appear in the reconciliation report until 30 days.

Best Practice:


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