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Sector of the Reporting Counterparty

Sector of the Reporting Counterparty

Field 1.05 | Matching Date: n/a | Tolerance: n/a | Agent Lender Data Provision: No>

Status: Best Practice Finalised, Last Updated: 17/05/2021

Field 1.05 | Matching Date: n/a | Tolerance: n/a | Agent Lender Data Provision: No

One or more codes that classify the nature of the Reporting Counterparty's business activities. If the reporting counterparty is a financial counterparty, all necessary codes included in the Taxonomy for financial counterparties and applying to that counterparty shall be reported. If the reporting counterparty is a non-financial counterparty, all necessary codes included in the Taxonomy for non-financial counterparties and applying to that counterparty shall be reported. Where more than one activity is reported, the codes shall be populated in order of the relative importance of the corresponding activities.

Best Practice:
If Field 1.04 (Nature Of The Reporting Counterparty) is populated with "F", at least one code pertaining to the classification of the financial counterparties shall be provided, of which there are 9 options (x4 alphabetical characters).

If Field 1.04 (Nature Of The Reporting Counterparty) is populated with "N", at least one code pertaining to the classification of the non-financial counterparties shall be provided, of which there are 14 options (x1 alphabetical characters). (SFTR-142)


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