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Trading Venue

Trading Venue

Field 2.08 | Matching Date: 2020-04-01 | Tolerance: None | Agent Lender Data Provision: No>

Status: Best Practice Finalised, Last Updated: 01/09/2021

Field 2.08 | Matching Date: 2020-04-01 | Tolerance: None | Agent Lender Data Provision: No

Unique code identifying the venue of execution of the SFT.

Best Practice:
If traded on any venue that holds a registered Multi Traded Facility (MTF) or Regulated Markets (RM) or Organised Trading Facilities (OTFs) license, then a Market Identifier Code (MIC) should be populated. For all else then "XXXX" should be used.

MICs are issued under ISO 10383 to identify exchanges, trading platforms and regulated or non-regulated markets acting as sources of prices and related information and are not restricted to execution venues. (SFTR-28)


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